Many people ask Uncle Bird, what is a VC project. Uncle Bird will explain that VC projects usually refer to venture capital projects, also known as venture capital projects. VC is the abbreviation of "Venture Capital", which means risk capital, and refers to an investment method that provides financial support to companies with high growth potential and obtains certain shares or income. Such projects are usually invested in areas with potential high returns but also high risks, such as technological innovation and start-ups.

Now many VC projects have set their goals to be listed on exchanges such as binance, which is obviously wrong. Of course, as investors, we really can't change anything. At this time, what is needed, the answer is obviously only one, investors must expand their knowledge, including studying each project, and have their own understanding of their own projects. Don't follow the crowd. It's best to follow a few big Vs, read the articles they write, learn something from them, find a track that suits you, and build your own framework. This is what should be done in the post-Bitcoin era.

Just as the four letters DYOR represent, do your own research, go your own way, and do the right thing. #VC币割韭菜