😱🔥Hot news: Elon Musk plans to turn X into a Venmo-style payment application

Elon Musk's takeover of #Twitter has certainly caused a stir, and with the popular social media platform now private, much of its internal oversight has been removed from the public eye. general public.

But Bloomberg has obtained new documents in which he reveals some details about what's going on behind the scenes at X, formerly Twitter, and what it plans to do next in its bid to become into an "everything app". According to documents filed with the state by

More specifically, during the implementation period, X's Twitter revenue at that time was 1.48 billion USD. In the top three positions for 2023, #X had a staggering 456 million articles; This may be because advertisers who pay for the platform have abandoned it en masse. It should be noted that at the time of Musk's acquisition, advertisers accounted for 90% of his company's revenue, and after surviving Musk's acquisition and severely cutting back on what content could and could not be published , advertisers have pulled back on ad spending.

What is X planning for the future to overcome its declining scheduled earnings, documents reveal that X plans to integrate a Venmo-style payment service called X Payments. This new service works like PayPal and Venmo, allowing users to send and receive money that will be stored in their X account.

Additionally, Musk has previously stated that he wants users to be able to open an “extremely high yield” savings account with X.