How to make money in the cryptocurrency circle?

There is a very important principle in trading: do not make small money, do not lose big money.

These simple 8 words are actually very difficult to do. For example:

You opened an order for 2W, and it rose to 21,000 after opening. You were very happy, so you stopped profit and made 5% of your profit. As a result, the market continued to rise to 2.5W... You made 5% and missed 50%;

Then you warned yourself to make big money, and you were determined not to stop profit this time. Then the market returned to 2W, and you opened another order. After opening, it rose to 21,000 again. You warned yourself to learn from the last lesson and hold on to make big money. As a result, the market returned to 2W and fell below 2W to 19,500. You stopped loss #BTC翻倍之路 #ETH收益 #BTC合约