#币安用户数突破2亿 #LayerZero #币圈

When I first entered the cryptocurrency circle in 2021, I met many big guys. I felt that they were all very powerful, had experienced the ups and downs of the market, and had sufficient experience and wallet balances.

Those who entered the blockchain 10 years ago had more opportunities and greater benefits, but also more risks and temptations.

An on-chain wallet worth more than $18 million

At that time, there was a big boss who had a brilliant record in the last bull market. His contract performance once reached A9, but it eventually returned to zero.

In the contract market, the process is exciting and expansive, but the ending is bleak and lonely.

Later, he highly recommended ZEN and introduced its advantages and opportunities to everyone in the group, firmly believing that ZEN would increase a hundredfold or a thousandfold in the next bull market.

The group members followed suit and bought from 160u to 120, to 100, to 80, and kept buying as the price fell.

Now ZEN is 6.7u, and it is also labeled "observation" on Binance, and there is a risk of being delisted.

This big guy hasn’t spoken for a long time now. I don’t know if he is still holding ZEN or has sold it for cash long ago.

In the crypto market, choosing the wrong target or entering the market at the wrong time will lead to completely different results.

Judging from the ZEN monthly line, it was able to rise from 6 to 160, which was indeed impressive for a period of time. If you bought on the left side, the profits would have been huge; but those who got on the right side have now lost everything.

ZEN monthly trend

ZKsync and LayerZero airdrops were launched in the past two days. After such a long period of continuous investment in interaction, the shoe has finally dropped. Some people made money and some people lost money, and the overall profit was meager.

I remember that ZK and L0 were the hottest at that time. Many people chose all-in because of their large financing amount, strong team and excellent technology.

Starknet was also a popular project at the time, but it was constantly complained about for its slow speed, high gas cost, and poor user experience, so many people gave up.

There was a group member who was a senior at the time and chose to go all in on Starknet.

He invested all his 30,000 yuan living expenses as gas fees, diligently interacted with 110 accounts, and finally earned 47,000 STRKs, which he sold for $100,000.

For group members who choose to focus on interacting with ZK and L0, they invest a lot but get low returns, have long interaction times, and experience high psychological pressure.

They are all doing interactive airdrops, but no one knows which track or product to choose before it goes online, which one will bring greater returns. If you choose the wrong direction, the results will be very different, and success or failure depends on luck.

Once popular L2 project

I once saw a joke by Binance co-founder He Yi: "Money comes from the wind, what's the use of relying on hard work?" I went to look up the source of this joke. Does she really think that money comes so easily?

She responded to this incident in a video interview. It turned out that Yijie was in a WeChat group at the time, and everyone was discussing a certain topic. Then someone in the group replied in unison with the sentence "the wind is blowing money away", and she followed suit, and the result was a screenshot and circulated.

She believes that strong winds are just the direction. Strong winds are the industries and trends we choose. Only when the trend is right can we take off.

Yijie was originally a host of a domestic travel satellite TV program and was not very well-known;
He entered the crypto world in 2014 and started his counterattack life since then. He is now the co-founder of Binance, a platform with 200 million registered users.

She chose the blockchain industry and changed the direction of her life. She became one of the most influential figures in the cryptocurrency circle and promoted the advancement of the encryption industry.

Binance co-founder He Yi

For example, in the past three years, people who chose the crypto market have had higher returns and more opportunities than those who chose traditional industries. Of course, it is also possible that the contract will return to zero, but offline entrepreneurs are more likely to lose all their money.

Blockchain is a trend, and cryptocurrency will have more usage scenarios and opportunities.

Relevant data shows that by 2024, there will be more than 560 million cryptocurrency users worldwide, accounting for 6.9% of the world's total population. These people chose the crypto market first, and they have the potential to gain the upper hand. This is also a world in progress.

Of course, every industry has risks, so explore and move forward within your own tolerance.

The above is just my personal opinion, not investment advice. I am Chu Xiaolian, and I am paying attention to the crypto market and web3.