For those who missed it, here's a summary of the key points discussed during yesterday's TON AMA.

1. Why did we change the blockchain?

Initially, we were inspired by the development and infrastructure of Solan, so we chose it for TapSwap. However, when we developed the bot, the results exceeded our expectations, forcing us to reconsider our choice of blockchain. Considering that our application is based on Telegram, the TON blockchain was a better fit, allowing us to realize the full potential of our product. The TON Foundation's responsiveness and thorough support further validated this decision, making TON the most logical choice to provide the best user experience.

2. Why did the paid upgrade option appear?

Entry to the game was initially free and remains free. However, developing and maintaining infrastructure is expensive. Additional stages of project development require the work of developers, launching a token and ensuring liquidity. Therefore, the paid feature was introduced for a limited period. This payment is optional and allows users who join later to increase their balance.

These payments also demonstrate that our community believes in the success of the project, which greatly improves our negotiating position with potential partners and can play a vital role in the future success of the project.

3. Plans for the future?

We are committed to growing on the AI, SocialFi and Quest platforms. We plan to launch an interactive platform with a user-friendly interface for community and market development. This platform will help build communities for Web3 projects and facilitate networking, marketing and user-generated content creation. We believe TapSwap will become a leader in community building and marketing.

4. Details about tokenomics.

Our tokenomics is almost complete, but we have a lot of moving parts, including ongoing communication with multiple exchanges and platforms. Due to this dynamic and the recent development of the project, we had to make changes to the documentation.

We actively communicate with Tier1 exchanges and have received positive feedback on their cooperation. Once completed, we will update you on these efforts.

A significant portion of all tokens will definitely be transferred to the community.

5. Who is behind TapSwap and what is our experience with Web3?

We are a multinational, predominantly European team (25+ specialists) with extensive experience in Web3 and games. Our team independently solves all project problems and cooperates well with other blockchains, projects and exchanges. We focus on efficiency and results, believing in under-promising and over-delivering.

4. How do we ensure fairness and transparency in community giveaways?

We are developing clear rules for token distribution to ensure fairness, although they cannot be disclosed in advance to prevent abuse. Fair distribution of tokens is critical to our success and the future of the project. We have created a monitoring system that allows you to track user behavior and identify accounts that deserve blocking. In addition, we are considering offering unscrupulous users the opportunity to voluntarily surrender for a certain percentage of the drop, guaranteeing a WIN/WIN for everyone.

#TapSwap #Solana #TON #Telegram #AirDrop‬