Are you panicking? Don't panic. It will go up to 57,000 at most. I am still looking forward to a decline. I hope it can go to 57,000, but in the current situation, 63,000 is the bottom. Just don't open contracts randomly. The decline is an opportunity. Why panic?

Let me talk about today's analysis. Let's talk about new coins first. In the past week, several VC coins with a market value of more than one billion US dollars have been newly listed. Under the continued hype of complementary takeovers, it is really difficult for the market to ease the cottage sector. Today, lista rose by 27% and a group of bloggers talked nonsense. As a result, I also saw that the posts were deleted. Read my previous article today. Don't take new coins. The risks are greater than the profits. Why do you want to gamble? Why use your own real money to support others? ZRO shorting our VIP has made a lot of money.

$BAKE should also start. Wait and see.


The bottom strong support continues to pay attention to 63000. It is still necessary to see if there is a possibility of short-term pinning. At present, there is no momentum for falling below. The market short position needs to be completely reversed, and the high position needs to be stabilized at 67197 points on the daily line. It is expected that this wave of trends will have a direction before the end of this week. If there is an opportunity, be prepared to pick up the pin.

$ETH #ETH Nothing to say, just buy at a low position (for large funds)

In terms of value coin layout, you can learn about our 2024 super members. At present, the position management is strict, the mainstream guarantees the bottom, and the cottage makes value-added. When the market doubles, each short-term cottage position will pay the principal as soon as possible. The remaining zero-cost positions have the possibility of ignoring short-term fluctuations and taking a bull market high. As of May, the conservative super members with few members have also tripled their profits.