Current market analysis #eth

Today, the highest point is from 3540 to 3440

There is not much room, just 100 points

The general trend is still bearish, but there are more people entering the market to buy the bottom

It also maintains the long-short balance to a certain extent

But there are signs of rebound in 4/8/24 hours

If you have 3530-3600 shorts, then don’t worry at all

Because tomorrow is the weekend

There are currently two strong pressure points above 3550/3580

As long as it does not break through before dawn today, then the weekend will continue to be indecisive for 2 days. The weekly update is still bearish

If it breaks through, there is another one around 3700. If you go up and add positions, you will not lose money

The question now is at what price to go long

My personal target is 3410-3388

If it fails to connect today, then it can only move down to 3277-3188

Until Monday

Because I also have a short order

Although the position has been reduced to an ant position, it is still possible to hold a large range

What do you think?

If you need to keep up, you can look at the main business...

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