The copycats have returned to the starting point, and some have even hit new lows. They are starting to panic and are at a loss. Let me tell you how to deal with the current operations

1. Band operation during the day (no pattern, no overnight) Band positions, 15-minute bottom divergence can enter the market, or 15-minute moving average bullish trend, and set profit and stop loss targets. It is currently suitable to stop profit in batches of 4 to 8 points. If the currency you invested in sponsors your position, then 4 points may be enough to stop profit. However, if the investment is not much, you can set 8 points to stop profit and set 2 points to stop loss

2. Fixed investment to ambush 5x and 10x currencies

With small bets, take out 50% of the current funds and invest in spot value coins every day, and invest in SOL 2x long-term long orders. Strive to fill the fixed investment bullets by the end of August, double the principal, and wait until the big bull market to make a decision to clear the position, set a goal of 5x, multiples or 10x to clear the position