
Here are some popular cryptocurrency trading strategies:

1. Day trading**: Strategy for buying and selling cryptocurrencies on the same day. Day traders often focus on short-term market fluctuations to find profit opportunities.

2. Swing trading**: This is a strategy of buying and selling cryptocurrencies over a period of days to weeks. Swing traders often look for opportunities in medium-term price movements.

3. HODLing: Considered a long-term investment strategy, HODLing is buying cryptocurrency and holding it for a long time without selling despite price fluctuations. The term originated from a misspelling of "HOLD" and became a popular term in the cryptocurrency community.

4. News trading: This strategy focuses on reacting quickly to information, events or news that can affect the price of cryptocurrencies.

5. Automated trading: Using automated software or systems to carry out cryptocurrency trading transactions based on pre-programmed rules and strategies.

Remember, each strategy has its own advantages and disadvantages and is suitable for each user depending on their goals and trading knowledge.

- Each trading method has different advantages and disadvantages and will suit each person and their goals. Money is yours so invest carefully