! ! ! Important reminder! ! !

! ! ! Important reminder! ! !

A rule that will never change in the currency circle

Every day in the currency circle, you can hear people scolding, "Dog bank cuts me, XX coin is harvesting everyone again"

In fact, leeks are always harvested, whether in the currency circle, the stock market, or the foreign exchange and futures markets, the result is the same

Ordinary people are harvested from birth to death, so our lives are busy, but not many people get rich. The same is true between countries, strong countries harvest weak countries. This is the rule of the game, and it is also a cognitive harvest

It is also harvesting, why some people can make a profit, while others are always harvested, this involves cognition, understanding the rules of the game, complying with the rules, and controlling one's emotions. Every day, I fill in my own cognitive gaps

If you want to make a lot of money in the cryptocurrency circle, you must first make up for your own cognition and differentiate yourself from other retail investors. The cryptocurrency circle itself does not generate value. You only need to be a little bit better than others and know a little bit more, then you can make money from them

The cryptocurrency circle is a place where wealth is redistributed. When others are afraid, I am greedy, and when others are greedy, I am afraid.

If you don’t know what to do in the current market, click on the avatar to follow me and read the homepage introduction, and you can get the free sharing of wealth password.

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