[News] TON chain games such as Notcoin have set off a craze on Telegram. Its simple, repetitive gameplay and airdrop expectations have attracted a large number of users, and its daily active users have surpassed Ethereum. On the other hand, Arthur Hayes is concerned about the bull market that may be triggered by the Bank of Japan's sale of $63 billion in U.S. Treasuries. In order to obtain higher returns, the Bank of Japan chose to provide loans to the United States through the U.S. Treasury market, which may have an impact on the market. In addition, Zulu uses Bitcoin scripts to implement ZKP verification, laying an important milestone for the Bitcoin ecosystem. At present, the price of Bitcoin has risen by more than 300% from the low point before halving, and we may be in the fourth or fifth inning of the bull market. Although the market atmosphere has been sluggish in the past two months, the market plot in the second half of 2024 is still worth looking forward to.