There is always a group of people who dream of "bottom-fishing" every day. They are like waiting for a pie in the sky, expecting Ethereum to fall below 3,000 and return to 50,000 US dollars, so that they can easily pick up a big bargain. Unfortunately, the old fox of the market will never follow your script. You think you are waiting for the best time, but the result may be watching the opportunity slip away. Although history will not repeat itself completely, it will always tease you in a different way. Those lost opportunities are like spilled water, and they can never be taken back! Now, wake up, friends! The Fed's interest rate cut may come down one day, and the new bull market may be approaching quietly. Before this potential wave of value coins starts, are you ready? The market always favors those who dare to take action and have foresight. When others have already returned with a full load, do you still want to stand still and regret not seeing through the market earlier? The cryptocurrency world, this ever-changing battlefield, is full of endless possibilities and challenges.

But as long as you keep up with the market rhythm and flexibly adjust your strategy, you will definitely be able to seize those fleeting opportunities!

Again, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar, follow me, and get more information on the homepage. Go to the bull market spot planning, contract password, and share it for free.

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