Since entering the market on January 18, 2024, after several rounds of large retracements, the current overall rate of return is only maintained at around 20%

Let me talk about my investment logic and layout track:

Investment logic:

①First, only choose currency transactions on Binance Exchange

(Safe, at least Binance has screened you once, and the possibility of zeroing out is very low)

② Small funds are used to make money, new stocks on the chain, and local dogs

(The purpose is to accumulate principal, and the U earned is transferred to the exchange to buy the bottom)

③ Choose a currency with a market value ranking between 100-400

(Market Low value has room for growth, like sushi in the last bull market)

④ Diversify your layout, don't go all in on one coin

(Except Bitcoin, with limited funds, diversifying your layout can give you a higher chance of betting on coins that are ten times or a hundred times higher)

⑤ Pay more attention to the coins that were launched in the bear market in 22/23. These coins have not experienced the last bull market, and the dealers have no chance to ship them. This round is likely to pull the market to ship them

Layout track:

First tier: Bitcoin ecosystem (BB)

Second tier: SOL ecosystem (JTO, PYTH)

Liquidity pledge/re-pledge (ANKR, QI)

Meme (Bome)

Third tier: Low market value coins (Pond, API3)

PWA (Polyx)

Defi (Lista)

ETH ecosystem (SSV)

Fourth tier: AI (LPT)

PS: Why do I put AI, which most people are optimistic about, at the end? It can be said to be intuition. I always feel that the AI ​​sector has not brought any substantial changes, and it is just riding on the popularity brought by the AI ​​sector of the US stock market. In fact, the possibility of blockchain + AI landing is not great, far less than the web2 project, and the AI ​​sector is more than 10 times on average. If I think about it from another perspective, I am a banker and I don’t want to pull this piece.

This article is just a record, don’t take it seriously, investment is a very subjective thing, listen to both sides and you will be enlightened, listen to only one side and you will be confused. Thank you everyone, I wish you all a good harvest in this bull market!