The exciting plot in the second half of 2024 is still highly anticipated! Buy the bottom of 5 potential coins that are about to rise

In the past two months, despite the continuous hot topics of memes and the leading project Airdrop, the market has been in a rather paradoxical downturn - the roar of bears can be vaguely heard, the steps of bulls are vague, and the market has collapsed. Destruction and restart seem to last only a moment.

The market often overemphasizes the short-term effects of new things and underestimates their long-term impact. For the Bitcoin spot ETF, which has been launched for nearly half a year, an important signal has recently emerged:

According to SoSoValue data, the ETF has experienced a new wave of capital inflows since mid-May, a trend that has continued for nearly a month. Especially on June 4, capital inflows reached a record high of $886 million, second only to the high of $1.05 billion on March 12. This shows that investor interest and confidence in Bitcoin spot ETFs continues to grow.

Although the Bitcoin market has experienced continuous declines this week, the overall situation has improved significantly compared with April and May. As of June 21, the total net asset value of Bitcoin spot ETFs has reached $56.24 billion, showing the strong performance of the market. The ETF net asset ratio reached 4.39%, which means that the market value of ETFs accounts for a considerable proportion of the total market value of Bitcoin, showing the importance of ETFs in the field of cryptocurrency investment. In addition, the historical cumulative net inflow reached US$14.67 billion, indicating investors' long-term optimism and continued investment in the Bitcoin market. These data all show that the Bitcoin market is gradually stabilizing and showing a positive growth trend.

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