#LSK LSK market analysis of the day:

A yellow signal point appears at the 1-hour level, indicating a rebound. The 4-hour level is determined to be on the long side. Today, we will focus on the position near the 4-hour long-short watershed of 1.0304.

The lower target first looks at: 1.0246--1.0154--1.0079.

The upper target of the market rebound first looks at the three price levels of 1.0753--1.0909--1.1076. If the market rebounds and does not break these three prices, the market will continue to go short.

Short-term watch the market operation, pay attention to the changes in long and short forces in real time. #LSK.智能策略库🏆🏆 #LSK.每日智能策略 #LSK.24小时交易策略 #币安合约锦标赛