The altcoins have fallen and then rebounded. Is it time to pick up bargains?

After a shocking wash, the market's rebound of dozens of points is not enough to make people cheer. The road to the bottom is not achieved overnight! Now is the time to wait patiently. Most currencies will enter a silent period of neither death nor life. There is a far-reaching intention behind the wash, and they will not stop until the goal is achieved. The market is brewing a huge storm!

Currently, BTC is in an extremely favorable range, far from a double top, and there is no consideration of falling! It is easy to break through $70,000 again, with an increase of less than 8%, which can be achieved within a week! The market is far from the edge of pessimism, and opportunities are still in front of us!

The current trend of ETH is by no means an easy absorption of funds, but a self-rescue gamble! It is repairing the previous form, and dare not slack off, because if you miss this opportunity, there will be no way back.

Such a market will not only fill the air force's ammunition depot, but also stabilize the support point of $3050!

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