#BNB金鏟子 #币安合约锦标赛 $ETH $SOL $BTC

The cycle of the currency circle is like the changing of the seasons in nature, with a four-year cycle and endless mysteries.

In this long cycle, three years are the silent winter and the years of the bear market. During this period, the market is dormant, and investors are waiting for the arrival of spring, sharpening their inner tenacity and perseverance.

And when the footsteps of spring quietly come, it is a year of bull market, full of vitality, and all things revive. At this moment, the market rises, and the carnival and blooming are intertwined into a magnificent picture.

Today, we are standing in the middle of this picture, in the heat of this carnival. Looking back, the bull market in the first eight months seems to have a hint of chill of washing the market. The market is constantly testing and constantly sharpening our determination and faith.

But please don't doubt it, because the next two months will be a real rush. The price of the currency will be like a wild horse that has broken free from its shackles, galloping across the vast grassland, singing and advancing all the way, unstoppable!

And in the last two months, the market will build a brilliant peak. That is the climax of the currency circle feast, and it is the moment that investors are looking forward to. It symbolizes the arrival of success and also heralds the start of the next cycle.

Although some people think that the bull market actually started in December 23, no matter what the starting point is, we should not miss this feast. Because the real outbreak period, that exciting moment, is quietly approaching. It is expected that between July and October, it will arrive as scheduled, leading us to witness the glory and legend of the currency circle together!

Risks and opportunities coexist in the currency circle. If you haven't found the right team and leader, click on the avatar introduction to find me, full of dry goods and strategies to share with you, remember, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.