According to everyone's understanding, what stage do you think the cryptocurrency market is in now?

According to the market bull-bear cycle, it is currently in the middle stage of the fourth cryptocurrency bull market. According to historical data, a complete cycle usually lasts for four years, of which three years are bear markets and one year is bull markets. The first eight months of a bull market are usually a slow wash and decline phase, the next two months are a period of fierce market growth, and the last two months are a period of price topping.

According to this model, the bull market began around October 2023, so it is still in the middle of the bull market, and there are still about two months before the real outbreak period. It is expected that the outbreak period may occur between August and October this year, and the entire bull market may last until around May 2025.

In this market environment, investors should pay attention to the rapid rise and rapid fall of the market, which is a normal phenomenon in the development of the cryptocurrency circle. Market development requires high efficiency, so scams and junk projects will be eliminated. Only underlying assets such as Bitcoin BTC and Ethereum ETH may span the entire market cycle, and other assets may appear as accompanying varieties.

Therefore, for investors in the cryptocurrency circle, they need to wait patiently for the arrival of the violent bull market, while paying attention to the risks and volatility of the market.

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