I have never bought Bitcoin. From an investment perspective, now does not seem to be the best time to buy. But I bought it anyway.

Although I am a complete novice in Bitcoin and have no idea about it, I am fairly familiar with the logic involved in Bitcoin transactions.

First of all, it is a big casino, and most of the participants in the cryptocurrency circle are gamblers looking for speculation. Speaking of gambling, to paraphrase the words of the elders, which casino in developed Western countries have I not been to? I have been to many casinos. From Monte Carlo to the high seas gambling ships, those players are better than you, right? I chat and laugh with them.

There is a code of conduct for gambling, and those who gamble for a long time will lose. The casino is not afraid of you winning, but afraid that you will not come. Those who are keen on short-term trading will eventually lose their luck with their strength. In such a casino, just like in the A-share market, those who lose their pants will eventually become stock recommenders and leaders, just like the big brothers who lead orders in the cryptocurrency circle.

In today's world, the lower you rate your IQ, the safer it is. I think most people in the world have higher IQs than me. There is no shame in admitting this. In speculation, many unlucky people are often those who have high IQs or think they have high IQs.

Since you are in a casino, the only way to avoid losing money is not to put your chips on the table. If you don't put them on the table, the casino can't take them out of your pocket. If the leeks don't show their heads, the sickle can't cut them.

Since you are in the casino, you should play by the rules. If you come to gamble but want to act like an investor, you are deceiving yourself. Those who analyze line charts in the cryptocurrency circle are as ridiculous as those who look at the red and blue lines at the baccarat table.

There are some bird-catching videos on YouTube. Someone "airdrops" some corn grains, and the birds flock to eat happily. At the same time, a large net falls from the sky. The birds that don't have time to escape are wailing all over the ground. Does this scene look familiar?

Secondly, Bitcoin is also a currency. Although I am not an old man in the virtual currency circle, I am an old man in the ancient coin collection circle.

The internal logic of playing with Bitcoin and playing with ancient coins is the same. Few old people in the ancient coin collection circle have goods in hand. Those who can produce amazing collections are often unknown people. Those old people in the ancient coin circle can't resist the temptation in the face of huge profits and throw away their chips. After a while, they can't hold back and want to participate again, so they can only "buy the chips at a low price" and buy them back at a high price. The original old players have become ordinary leeks.

You don't have to gamble when you buy casino chips. The bitcoins I bought are collectibles, cultural relics, and souvenirs. I collect things, and I never sell them out. The two bitcoins I bought will soon disappear from my daily memory, just like other collectibles. Its rise and fall have nothing to do with me.

Many, many years later, when I think about this, there are probably two possibilities. One is that the price of Bitcoin has returned to zero. It doesn't matter. We bought a sense of participation in an era, which has no real impact. Another possibility is that two Bitcoins have become 2 million dollars. It doesn't matter either. It can't make you eat as much as you want without caring about calories or sleep in several beds at the same time.

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