There are three voices in the current market:

The bull market no longer exists.

The bull market of altcoins has ended.

The market is de-allotting.

However, the above three points of view are ignorant.

Recently, the market has shown a drastic reshuffle. It has been mentioned many times that if most people are not washed to tears, how can we directly usher in a bull market? I heard that many people cut their losses and left the market because of fear. Having a correct understanding of the market and an accurate assessment of the trend may be the wisest strategy!

Altcoins are falling, but Bitcoin is as stable as a mountain. This is because Bitcoin does not really want to fall, and its decline is limited, mainly based on intimidation. There is no need to shout 40,000 to 50,000 because of panic, nor is there any need to shout 80,000 to 100,000 because of blindly following the trend. Multiple data reveal that these are all means for bookmakers to manipulate the market and guide thinking.

The bull market is still the one that is worth looking forward to and can bring rich returns, and it may even reach an epic level. If you feel that many things are impossible, then you have been controlled by the market and become a pawn in the hands of the dealer.

Take a deep breath, let us welcome the arrival of this super bull market together! ! !

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In the current ups and downs of the market, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities!