#SSV $SSV In-depth analysis of today’s market

In today's market performance, SSV has a significant yellow signal at the 1-hour level. This signal often indicates increased market volatility in the short term. At the longer 2-hour and 4-hour levels, the market clearly shows the dominance of the short side.

Today, our focus is on the 4-hour long and short watershed, which is around 40.539. This position will be the focus of competition between the long and short sides, and is also the key to judging the short-term market trend.

From the perspective of the support level below, our first concern is the important support point of 39.748. If the market dips further, it may hit the two more critical support levels of 39.205 and 38.941. Investors should pay close attention to the performance of these support levels in order to make decisions at the appropriate time.

However, the market is always full of variables. If SSV rebounds, investors need to pay close attention to the upper pressure level. The first is 40.772. If it can effectively break through this position, it may further challenge the two higher pressure levels of 41.300 and 41.874.

In short-term operations, it is recommended that investors remain highly vigilant and pay attention to changes in long and short forces in real time so as to make correct trading decisions at critical moments. Follow me, live broadcast of real offers and orders every day, one-on-one guidance, novices can also master the password of wealth, and need to analyze the search for copycat points (official account: Encryption Chengfeng) ✌👗cfst115#SSV.每日智能策略 #SSV.智能策略库 #SSV.24小时交易策略 #SSV真的是亏哭啊,9000直接亏没了