#VTHO $VTHO VTHO accurate analysis of the day's market

Today's VTHO market presents a situation of long and short interweaving. From the perspective of the time cycle, the 1-hour level clearly points to the long side, while the 2-hour and 4-hour levels show that the short side has the upper hand. In this situation, we will focus on the long-short watershed at the 4-hour level, which is the key price of 0.002474.

If the market continues the bearish trend, the lower support level will become our primary focus of observation. In particular, the two prices of 0.002444 and 0.002420 will be important test points for the strength of the shorts. If the price falls further, the next support level will be 0.002402.

However, we cannot ignore the power of the bulls. If VTHO can stabilize and rebound here, the upper target price will become our focus. Preliminarily, 0.002525 will be the first challenge point for the bulls. If it breaks through successfully, it will further test the two higher prices of 0.002592 and 0.002636.

Here, I suggest that investors maintain a keen insight into the market and capture the changes in the long and short forces in real time by watching the market in the short term. Only by accurately grasping the trend of each wave of the market can we make more wise investment decisions. Remember, market changes are always full of uncertainty, and we need to be vigilant at all times.

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