In just 9 months, Vietnam has welcomed 3 VIP Server characters on this earth

- In September 2023, US President Biden visited Vietnam

- In December 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Vietnam

- And now, June 19, 2024, Russian President Putin visits Vietnam.

In addition to these 3 Top Server characters on the planet, before that, many leaders from the Top 10 servers such as Korea and Germany have also visited Vietnam.

Why has Vietnam become the center of attention for world leaders to visit? Enough to see how huge the economic potential and cash flow will be in the future.

Participating in this delegation with Mr. Putin include: Foreign Minister Lavrow, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry, Minister of Industry and Trade Anton, Minister of Transport, Minister of Energy, and also Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Director of the Fund. Russia's leading investment and Gd Russian aerospace corporation...

The above officials all participated in this visit, enough to see that the influence in related fields and the upcoming development of Vietnam will be quite great.

This time Russia decided to play quite big in investing in Vietnam

Interesting, right? The next article will update specific items and signings during Mr. Putin's visit later.

But looking at them, if China holds green energy technology, Russia holds oil and gas, Vietnam holds rare earths, it will be a good game.