Before entering the Crypto market, I did not have faith in this market, but when I allowed myself to engage, learn and learn, I had solid faith in Company. The knowledge helps me strengthen my confidence. I play DCA because it suits my time budget. I want to invest long-term and firmly because I believe that more and more people will enter the market and love the market more. market and stay long with the market.

When you enter the market is not as important as how long you stay in the market.

When I started studying Crypto, I had many teachers and friends, they brought a lot of value to me and I feel very grateful for that fate.

I am still on track with my goal of DCA and I chose DCA 3 coins in the top 10 which are #BTC☀ #ETH #BNB to hold. I believe in the development of these 3 coins #coin .

I also join #earn flexibly and participate in airdrop projects when available. Watching the numbers dance every day is fun, but do you mentally dance with the numbers? Only you can answer this question.