Today's Coin Circle Observation

Look at today's gain list. Did you find that meme coins have disappeared? Let me share my insights.

Why are meme coins gone now? Previously, meme coins were very popular, and many people chased them and invested in them. But now, many people are trapped. The dealer has eaten enough and is no longer in a hurry to pull the market. So, the heat of the meme sector has passed. Although the so-called value coins and leading coins in the first half of the year are eclipsed by meme coins - like PEPE, flokl, meme, etc., they have risen at least 10 times from the bottom.

You may ask, is there still a chance for meme in the second half of the year?

I personally think that the opportunity still exists, but if you want to see a 10-fold increase again, you may only hope for those meme coins that have not risen and continue to fall. After all, PEPE's market value has directly rushed to more than 6 billion this time, and the future room for growth is relatively limited, and it is more likely to fluctuate repeatedly.

Let's talk about the hot ORDI at the moment. The previous rise of Bitcoin allowed many people who were trapped to get out of the trap, and ORDI also took this opportunity to take off, but now it is silent. Unless Bitcoin hits a new high again, it is difficult for ORDI to have another chance.

There may be some opportunities for new coins issued this month, but the risk of being trapped is not great. After Binance adjusted its listing strategy, the rise and fall of new coins have become more moderate, and the review has become more stringent, reducing the bubble in the market.

I suggest that you pay more attention to the latest pledge sector and ETH ecology. These two markets are now hot, just like the previous meme craze. Only by following the market trend can you better seize the opportunity.

Finally, if you are a novice in the currency circle, you are excited to see BTC hit a record high and want to join the currency circle, then I suggest you pay attention to Sanjin first, learn about the currency circle knowledge with me, and lay a solid foundation. Remember, a tall building starts from the ground, and glory can only rely on yourself. Only with a solid foundation can you go further in the currency circle!

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