The United States is frantically buying up Bitcoin. Will the global economy face a "currency" storm?

First published on 2024-06-18 08:38 · Niu Nalidun's smile

Dear friends, have you heard? This guy in the United States has quietly bought a large amount of Bitcoin. What is going on? The Bitcoin they hold is almost catching up with the GDP of a small country! This is really surprising!

1. The United States is crazy about mining, and Bitcoin has become the new favorite?

The big guys in the United States usually like to stir up trouble around the world, and now they have set their sights on the virtual world of Bitcoin. According to Glassnode's "intelligence", they already have 4.23 million BTC in their hands, which accounts for 27% of the total circulation of BTC! Think about it, what does this mean? It's like they have mastered the "nuclear weapons" of the financial world!

2. The US government and miners have joined forces, are they planning to do something big?

Looking at this situation, the US government, miners, exchanges and other bigwigs have all joined the battle to buy Bitcoin. Spot ETFs, like nouveau riche, directly bought 862,000 coins; Mt.Gox trustees were not to be outdone, holding 141,000 coins; even the US government itself hid 207,000 coins. Is this the rhythm of a group to do something big?

3. Is Bitcoin a Ponzi Scheme? Is the US economy going to collapse?

Seeing the Americans rushing to buy Bitcoin so frantically, I have mixed feelings. Bitcoin is, to put it bluntly, a standard "Ponzi scheme" and whoever participates will be in trouble. But the big guys in the United States just don't believe in evil and have to jump into the fire pit. When they hold more than half of the Bitcoin in their hands, they will be more free to do whatever they want in the financial market. By then, the global economy will have to act according to their mood, which is really worrying!

4. Is the US economy about to collapse? Where should we go from here?

Seeing the crazy rush to buy Bitcoin in the United States, I can't help but think of the old saying: "There are unexpected changes in the weather, and people are subject to misfortunes at any time." Is the US economy really on the verge of collapse as some people say? And how can ordinary people like us protect ourselves in this financial storm? Should we continue to wait and see or run away quickly? This is really a headache!

5. Bitcoin: The “Pandora’s Box” of the Financial World?

Bitcoin, the mysterious digital currency, has been controversial since the beginning. Some people say it is the "savior" of the financial world, able to break the shackles of the traditional financial system; others say it is a "Pandora's box" that will cause financial market turmoil once opened. And now it seems more like a sword in the hands of the United States, ready to pierce the soft spot of the global economy at any time. This is really worrying!

6. Appeal: Stay calm and don’t follow the trend blindly!

In this financial war, we ordinary people must stay calm! Don't be fooled by those so-called "experts" and "big guys". Bitcoin is too risky, and you may lose everything if you are not careful. So let's stay in our own little world! As long as we don't participate in this crazy buying war, there will be no problem. After all, no one can predict the economy!

Finally, I want to say that Bitcoin is like a "bomb", whoever touches it will be in trouble. The American boss is having so much fun now, maybe one day he will get burned! Let's wait and see! Let's see how this financial war will turn out! #币安合约锦标赛