Can people in the cryptocurrency circle fall asleep at night?

People who have never bought cryptocurrency can never answer this question.

From a fan submission:

In 2013, I and many of my colleagues bought some Bitcoin with the mentality of giving it a try. That feeling is unforgettable, and I really couldn't sleep at night. The price that year went from one or two thousand yuan to 7,800 yuan. (RMB)

In this state, I didn't sleep at one or two o'clock, and finally fell asleep. I woke up at four or five o'clock, grabbed my phone and looked at it, and couldn't fall asleep again.

Every day, I persuaded my relatives to buy some in the VX skirt, and I also posted everywhere to inform everyone. But basically, I was regarded as a victim of pyramid schemes.

During this period, it went up all the way, and I bought all the way, killing crazy.

Then it plummeted all the way, and it remained at a low of three thousand yuan for several years.

From then on, I didn't mention this topic again, and I was finally able to go to bed early at night. I just felt a little sorry for the money I was trapped.

Later, the exchange was closed, the settlement service was stopped, and the mining farm was closed. I was worried at first, but later I became more and more numb.

Later, everyone knew that the price had risen to the current level, and it was not a big deal. I never looked at the market, and it did not affect my sleep.

Caishen was similar to this fan when he first entered the cryptocurrency circle. Spot trading was fine, but he could not sleep after opening a contract. I received text messages without noticing. Now he has become an old leek, and he is unshakable

If this article is helpful to you, you may want to pay attention to Caishen. If you have any questions or want to communicate and learn together, please read the introduction of Zhuye and try to get into the circle

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