The dealer's wash-out technique in the bull market.

Many people think that smashing the market is washing the market, but that's a big mistake!

The dealers nowadays are cunning. They like to use extreme pulling to wash the market, torturing the old leeks to death.

For example, we clearly know that there will be a good growth in the future market, but the market has been falling.

At this time, we will begin to doubt our judgment:

Am I wrong? Should I cut my losses and wait for a new low to buy the bottom?

But when we just entered to buy the bottom, it fell again. Where is the bottom? Is the bull still there?

This emotion tortured everyone enough, and slowly, many people began to doubt that the bull was gone.

But the strange thing is that the institutions are continuing to enter the market, why is the market not getting better?

In fact, this is the cleverness of the dealer's wash-out.

Their methods change with the changes in the market, which makes us old leeks confused.

In the face of such a market, what can we do?

Stay calm and don't be swayed by emotions.

Learn more and understand the new methods of the dealer.

Finally, remember one sentence: the bull market is still there, it's just that the dealer is testing our patience.

I hope everyone can make money in the bull market, and don't be washed out by the dealer's extreme pull! If you think what I said makes sense, don't forget to like and share!