Summary of current market conditions:

1. There is still no increase in hot funds in the market, and most of the funds are attracted to US stocks.

2. There is no new hype concept for cryptocurrencies. The eye-catching projects such as smart contracts and DeFi in the last bull market did not appear in this round (only the Bitcoin ecosystem at the time made me shine).

3. Interest rate cuts are still far away. Interest rate cuts are the most direct way to increase market liquidity. This part of the money needs to wait until the second half of the year.

4. Still optimistic about the market in the second half of the year and even next year. In the long run, the rise and fall of cryptocurrencies are driven by macroeconomics. The macroeconomics in the second half of the year and next year are healthier.

5. Don't add leverage. Before the market starts, it is often the darkest and most torturous.

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