Whether on the chain or in the exchange, security protection is always the first priority!

GoPlus Network is a modular user security layer for Web3. It can be seamlessly integrated with any public chain to provide comprehensive protection throughout the user transaction lifecycle. GoPlus uses a transparent, decentralized user security network and cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology to conduct comprehensive risk analysis and provide users with intelligent and efficient security services. Among them, the Token security detection API is integrated by many head dAPPs of Web3, and the daily call volume has reached 21 million times; its user personal security platform SecWareX has gained 1.8 million independent IP users in 2 months after its launch.

Security protection on the chain is a top priority. If goplus can solve this problem, it will be a huge improvement and progress in the crypto market for both individuals and exchanges!

As the popularity of these networks increases, the risk of encountering scams is also increasing, especially scams related to Meme tokens. This trend is evident in all analyzed networks. As the entire field continues to develop, we all need to remain vigilant and actively guard against these threats.

As an open, permissionless and user-driven Web3 modular user security layer, GoPlus Network provides users with protection throughout the entire life cycle of transactions. It uses a decentralized user security network and advanced AI-driven security solutions to provide in-depth risk analysis and provide users with intelligent and efficient security services. The project is led by Binance and OK. We look forward to the rapid development of the project and solving the problem of on-chain fund security! #BTC走势分析 #BTC