GoPlus is an innovative project focusing on Web3 security. The following is a detailed introduction to its features and achievements:

Technical strength and cooperation:

GoPlus' daily API call volume is as high as 21 million times, which fully demonstrates its extensive influence and technical strength in the field of Web3 security.

GoPlus has established in-depth partnerships with more than 20 primary and secondary blockchains and multiple RPCs and RaaS projects, including collaborations with well-known investment institutions such as Binance Labs and 7UPDAO, which further proves its wide recognition in the industry.

products and services:

GoPlus is committed to providing users with open and permissionless personalized security services. Its security engine has cross-chain capabilities, providing a comprehensive and sophisticated risk identification and prevention mechanism for crypto projects and users.

GoPlus’ modular design allows it to be highly pluggable, lightweight, easy to integrate, and multi-chain compatible, creating a new paradigm of modular security.

Since the launch of SecWareX in March 2024, GoPlus' total number of linked addresses has exceeded 10 million, and the number of paid subscribers has jumped to 57,000, marking its remarkable achievement in the field of Web3 security services.

Innovation and Vision:

GoPlus' vision is to lead hundreds of millions of users to safely explore the infinite possibilities of Web3. Its openness and permissionless nature give users unprecedented autonomy and can be seamlessly integrated into any blockchain system, providing users with all-round security protection.

Through a decentralized user security network and cutting-edge AI security solutions, GoPlus is able to conduct in-depth risk analysis and provide users with intelligent and efficient security services.

GoPlus plans to leverage the Eigenlayer Active Verification Service (AVS) feature in the future to enhance the decentralization and security of the entire network, further expanding the scale and scope of its security services.

Founder background and team strength:

Mike, the founder of GoPlus, was once the main product manager of 360 Security Browser. With his rich experience in Web2 security, he has given GoPlus the ability to modularly build the SecWare ecosystem, and is committed to connecting the 2B2C business logic, which is expected to lead the innovation of the "Web3 Comprehensive Security System".

Mike's experience has earned him the title of "360 Security Guard in Web3", providing strong support and impetus for GoPlus' development in the field of Web3 security.

User data and growth:

In recent years, GoPlus's user security data usage has increased by more than 5,000 times compared to 2022, which proves its rapid growth in user scale and market influence.

In summary, GoPlus has become a leader in Web3 security with its strong technical strength, wide range of products and services, innovative vision and team strength, and rapidly growing user data, providing users with a safe, reliable and convenient Web3 interaction environment.