🚀🚀Blockchain News Express: Holograph protocol has recently suffered a malicious attack. The attacker increased the total supply of HLG and even transferred 1 billion HLG to various CEXs and began to sell them. 😱😱

🔥🔥However, the good news is that Holograph promptly informed the exchange of the situation and successfully froze about 200 million HLG, which is currently being recovered through law enforcement procedures. 💪💪

🎉🎉Currently, the remaining amount of HLG in circulation is about 800 million. After extensive discussions with the community, the plan to restore the total supply of HLG to 10 billion has been launched. 🚀🚀

🔥🔥The first batch of 53,249,975 HLG has been destroyed, and the remaining 946,750,025 HLG has yet to be destroyed. This is a positive sign that Holograph is actively responding to this attack and protecting the interests of investors. 👍👍

🎉🎉Let us hope that Holograph can return to normal as soon as possible and continue to shine in the blockchain world! 🚀🚀