When will the bull market start? Let's discuss it. Although many people have given up in this wave of altcoins' decline, I know that altcoins will still rise, so I am also recharging my faith for everyone, but many contract players have completely missed the big bull market, which is a pity.

When will the big bull market come? Many people think that it will start with interest rate cuts, but I think that in the remaining 6 months of this year, if interest rates are cut twice, then the bull market should begin to emerge at the end of December, and it can rise for several months. Of course, many coins may die next year, and they cannot be bought randomly. So what is the logic? Because the purpose of the first interest rate cut was not for finance, but for industry, to solve manufacturing and employment, so large funds will enter these places and enterprises, but the interest rate cut trend is coming, so the second interest rate cut will start to have excess funds entering finance and the currency circle, and it is possible to start a bull market. If the interest rate is cut twice, the most likely ones are September and December.

If the interest rate is cut only once, it may be in November or December. November 5 is the US presidential election day, and the interest rate meeting day November 8 is just a few days away from the election day. If Trump wins, the interest rate may be cut in November, and then a violent bull market will start at the end of January. Maybe the whole year of 25 can be considered a bull market. With the application of RWA and ETF, a long bull market should come, but many coins will die. The future of meme should also be bound to commodity applications, like dog, which is backed by Tesla and can be used to buy Tesla cars. Although it is a long bull market, some junk coins will eventually return to zero.

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