🔥Hot news! Odaily Planet Daily reported that ether.fi has just released their first community proposal, aiming to increase on-chain ETHFI liquidity and increase treasury holdings. 🚀

The proposal proposes that 50% of the protocol revenue will be used to purchase ETHFI, of which 5% of monthly revenue will be used initially, and future growth will be determined by community voting. 💰Sources of income include Stake and Liquid vaults, and all revenue from future products will be resolved in subsequent votes.

The purchased ETHFI will be used to establish vaults on Curve and establish liquidity pools to increase ETHFI's on-chain TVL. 📈This is undoubtedly a big boost to ETHFI, let us wait and see if this proposal can bring substantial changes! 👀

In the blockchain industry, change and innovation are always so closely linked, let us look forward to more exciting futures together! 🎉