🔔Blockchain News Flash! 🔔

Delio, a South Korean virtual asset management and lending platform, recently announced that it will establish a new company and transfer all debts. 🔄 Delio also reiterated its plan to sell existing entities, including a virtual asset service provider (VASP), and use the proceeds to repay debts. 💰

However, Delio is currently facing trial on charges of allegedly embezzling approximately 250 billion won (US$180 million) in virtual assets and suddenly stopping deposits and withdrawals without prior notice. 😱

Industry insiders said that Delio's plan was unrealistic and believed that this was most likely an action taken to obtain a reduced sentence at trial. 👀 This incident once again reminds us that although we are optimistic about cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, we must also be wary of risks in the market. 🔍

Please continue to pay attention to our blockchain global regulatory dynamics, industry trends, and cryptocurrency news for more information! 🌐