We know that there are many currencies and chains in the circle, such as Bitcoin (BRC20), ETH (ERC20), TRX (TRC20) BNB (BSC)... They are all their own networks (chains).

TRC20 to ERC20 transfer is not received. You use TRC20 to transfer to my ERC20 address, but after you transfer the coins, my ERC20 address cannot receive them.

TRC20 can only be converted to TRC20.

Once the wrong link is transferred, it is generally virtual and cannot be retrieved.

This is the basic knowledge of the cryptocurrency world.

This article will explain in detail what to do if you transfer virtual currency to the wrong network?

Under what circumstances can a “wrong transfer” be retrieved?

There are 4 types of currency transfer:

1. Exchange to exchange.

This is the best solution.

For example, if you transfer from Ouyi to a certain exchange and transfer to the wrong network, you should first check on the chain which exchange the coin has been transferred to. Generally, it will be the exchange where the coin was received. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to check, just contact the exchange customer service directly.

There will be professional personnel to connect with you, contact you by email, and you need to submit the information as required. It will take a few days to retrieve it. You need to recharge the GAS fee to the exchange in advance. For example, if you transfer the currency on TRC20 to the ERC20 network, you need several hundred ETH as the GAS fee.

The fee is not low. If the amount of mis-transferred coins is less than a few hundred, just don’t accept it to avoid the trouble.

If you mistakenly transfer the funds to another exchange, you will need to contact the other party, who will then connect with customer service. Of course, you will have to take the initiative to bear the GAS fee, as it was caused by your mistake after all.

If the other party does not cooperate, you can contact the customer service of the other party's exchange to file a complaint, or call the police to resolve the issue. If the issue can be resolved through negotiation, do it through negotiation, and don't force it. If the other party does not respond, calling the police to file a complaint or something like that will be time-consuming and laborious.

The exchange generally cannot transfer to the wrong network. When you enter the receiving address, it will automatically match the network, making it easier for users to find address network errors. Even if you don’t find it, the exchange will remind you when you click Confirm whether you have entered an error...

Speaking of this, let me share some knowledge with you.

The coins of exchange users are in the hands of the exchange owner, and the coins in the exchange do not belong to you completely. The private key in the owner's hand controls the coins of all users. The security protection level of the private key is absolutely world-class, kept by multiple shareholders, and the people who protect the private key cannot be in the same country.

In case someone suddenly encounters an accident, is persecuted or has an accident, or loses exchange assets.

2. Wallet to wallet.

Whether you can recover the lost coins depends on two situations: 1. You transfer to your own wallet. 2. You transfer to someone else's wallet.

The first method is to transfer it to your own wallet and you can get it back.

For example, you mistakenly transferred the coins from your Binance (BSC) wallet to your ETH (ERC20) address.

You only need to export the private key or mnemonic of ERC20 wallet9 and copy it to BSC wallet, then open it to find the lost virtual

The second method is to transfer someone else’s wallet, which requires the cooperation of others to retrieve it.

As long as someone is willing to give you the private key or mnemonic phrase of the wallet, you can retrieve it.

People you know and trust will cooperate with you to find coins, but strangers generally won’t. After all, others are afraid that you will transfer the coins in their wallets.

If you mistakenly transfer your funds to the wallet address of some black and gray project parties, forget it, because others will definitely not give you the private key and mnemonic phrase. In Erquan, the private key is more important than the bank card password. Others may not be able to transfer the money in your card with your card password. They also need card, SMS verification, and face recognition, but they can directly transfer assets with the private key.

If you transfer the coins to someone else by mistake, cooperation of both parties is required to recover the coins. As long as one party disagrees, neither you nor the other party will get the lost coins.

3. Transfer from exchange to wallet.

This requires you to check on the chain where the coins have been transferred to. If they are still in the exchange, then congratulations, you can retrieve them through the exchange customer service.

If the money is transferred to a stranger's wallet, and the stranger is unwilling to cooperate and does not give you the private key and mnemonic phrase, then I'm sorry, just accept it.

At this point, it is useless to contact the exchange’s customer service. As long as you successfully transfer out the assets, they cannot be returned. The blockchain is irreversible.

Anyone who tells you that you can recover your lost assets without the cooperation of the other party is lying to you. There is also a so-called "blockchain rollback scam" in the circle. The scammers say that as long as you transfer coins, they can help you recover the stolen and lost assets. In fact, they are just trying to cheat you out of coins.

"Blockchain rollback" seriously violates the basic function of blockchain, "immutability"!

4. Transfer from wallet to exchange.

I once transferred my wallet to an exchange and chose the wrong network. It seems that I transferred the DAI coin on the Horseshoe Chain to the ETH chain. At that time, the wallet was successfully transferred, but the exchange account did not receive the money.

Upon checking, the coin is already in the exchange.

I immediately contacted the exchange’s customer service, and after several days of negotiations, I finally got my coins back, but I also lost a lot of GAS fees.

The exchange will help you find coins and ask you to recharge the on-chain tokens to the exchange as GAS fees. The staff will ask for your receiving address and then transfer it back to you.

It’s okay to transfer it to yourself, but it’s very troublesome to transfer it to others.

Therefore, we must check the receiving address and network before transferring money!

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