#AGIXUSDT $AGIX AGIX currency in-depth market analysis and operation suggestions

In today's market fluctuations, AGIX currency has shown its unique charm. From the 4-hour K-line chart, it is not difficult to find that the current market is dominated by multiple forces. This also means that in the short term, AGIX currency is expected to continue to maintain an upward trend.

1. Key point analysis

Today, we will focus on the 4-hour level of the long and short watershed-0.5617, a key position. If this position can effectively support, AGIX currency is expected to continue to break upward; on the contrary, if it falls below this position, we need to be alert to the possible short-term correction in the market.

2. Analysis of the support level below

In a market dominated by multiple forces, we also need to pay attention to the support level below. Once the market pulls back, the three support levels below will be our focus. The first is 0.5019, which is the first line of defense. If this position can be stabilized, the market may still rebound quickly. If it continues to go down, we need to pay attention to the two deeper support levels of 0.4925 and 0.4616.

3. Forecast of upper target positions

In the process of market rebound, the three upper target positions will be the positions we expect to reach. The first is 0.6725, which is the first important target position in the short term. If it can be effectively broken through, market confidence will be further enhanced. Then there are the two higher target positions of 0.6876 and 0.7020. If these positions can be reached, it will mean that the AGIX currency has achieved significant gains in the short term.

4. Real-time monitoring and operation suggestions

In such a market full of changes, real-time monitoring is particularly important. We need to pay close attention to the changes in the power of long and short positions so that we can respond quickly when the market fluctuates. For short-term operators, the key to grasping each wave of market is to have a keen insight into the market and decisive operation.

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