After many rounds of purging sybil wallet addresses along with a long waiting period, LayerZero officially announced the ZRO token airdrop event on the morning of June 20.

According to the project team, the ZRO token airdrop has a total of 1.28 million valid wallets. This represents 8.5% of ZRO's total supply of 1 billion tokens, including 5% for users, 3% for RFPs (request for proposals), and 0.5% potentially for other communities.

The circulating supply of ZRO at the time of token issuance will be 250 million ZRO, accounting for 25% of the total supply, including money allocated for airdrops, for upcoming ecosystem incentive proposals, and the operating budget for LayerZero Foundation.

LayerZero CEO Bryan Pellegrino also revealed that there will be 3 more ZRO airdrops in the next 36 months. The main uses of the ZRO token include governance, allowing holders to vote on important protocol decisions, starting with proposals to enable/disable fee sharing for token holders, similar to Uniswap DEX exchange.
