
Li Ka-shing has once again entered the Bitcoin market. Will the digital currency market usher in a new turn? It is reported that Li Ka-shing has long shown a strong interest in the blockchain field. As early as December 2013, he invested in Bitcoin payment company BitPay through his venture capital company Horizons Ventures, and then invested in Blockstream in February 2016. These two investments not only brought considerable returns to Li Ka-shing, but also made the blockchain industry an indispensable part of his investment layout.

In January this year, when the Bitcoin market saw a sharp rise, Li Ka-shing said that he was relatively conservative and believed that Bitcoin was risky. This conservative attitude was also reflected in his investment in the Bitcoin terminal market in 2014, when he invested only more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars. However, although it is not yet certain whether Li Ka-shing will buy Bitcoin at the bottom again, looking back at his past investment history, it is not difficult to find that he can always make wise decisions at critical moments.

The first bottom-fishing: In 1965, the Hong Kong financial crisis was raging and many companies were in trouble. However, Li Ka-shing, with his keen insight, bought a large amount of land and old buildings at low prices, thus achieving rapid growth in personal wealth and becoming famous overnight.

The second bottom-fishing: In 1973, the Middle East oil war triggered global economic turmoil. However, Li Ka-shing saw the opportunity and bought a large number of related assets. With the economic recovery, he once again received a generous return and successfully joined the ranks of billionaires.

The third bottom-fishing: In 1986, the international oil price plummeted to around $10 per barrel. However, Li Ka-shing seized this rare opportunity and decisively entered the market. Four years later, he successfully acquired 95% of the shares of Canadian oil giant Husky Energy. Nine years later, in 2000, Li Ka-shing re-listed Husky on the Toronto Stock Exchange and enjoyed huge benefits from rising oil prices. This investment was hailed as "one of the greatest investments of his life."

The fourth bottom-fishing: During the 2008 financial crisis, Li Ka-shing keenly perceived the risks in the Chinese real estate market and decisively cashed out. He then turned his attention to the European market and carried out a series of bottom-fishing operations. This move not only brought him considerable profits, but also led many mainland entrepreneurs to follow suit.

If Li Ka-shing really buys the bottom of the Bitcoin market again this time, it will undoubtedly bring great excitement to market participants. After all, his investment vision and decision-making ability have been verified many times. Perhaps, this time his bottom-fishing action will once again lead the digital currency market to a new turnaround.

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