Current trend of 1000SATS

Software data shows that this variety has been on a downward trend for nearly two days at the four-hour level. If the price of 0.0001685 cannot be broken, this trend may continue. #Satoshi领空投

We need to pay attention to 12 o'clock noon. If a purple dot appears at this time, that is, a long buy signal, it may be an opportunity for the market to turn. #sats目前95%的概率稳赚的方法,就是这两个是联动的,而且老鼠必先拉盘,他拉完后才是sats

At that time, short orders can take the opportunity to get on board, and the support level is near 0.0001503.

Friends who are shorting can get a steady profit of 10.80%. This benefit has already appeared. Please act as soon as possible if you haven't gotten on board. #sats,很明显, #satx比特聪: $1000SATS