[News] BlockBeats reported on June 20 that Bryan Pellegrino, CEO of LayerZero, recently disclosed the distribution of 25% unlocked on the first day of the ZRO airdrop. It is reported that 20% of them are directly allocated to users/protocols, 8.5% are available for collection, 0.5% will be used for community building, 11% will be used for the upcoming STIP and more retroactive allocations, and the remaining 5% will be used by the foundation for ecosystem, growth, grants and liquidity supply.

Pellegrino said that of the 20% given to the community, these funds will never be used unless they are for specific purposes. All uses will be announced in advance and allocated through future protocol RFPs (STIPs) or retroactive allocations (such as this TGE claim).

This news has attracted widespread attention in the market. Everyone has shown great interest in how LayerZero allocates funds fairly and transparently. 😊 What do you think of this allocation method? Welcome to speak freely in the comment area, let us discuss the development trend of the blockchain industry together!