Those that can survive a round of bull and bear markets have all been baptized by the market and have a certain market foundation.

More than 90% of the coins have completely returned to zero after a round of bull and bear markets, from nothing to something, from something to nothing, and the short-lived ones only take a few days, like a flash in the pan. So there are many coins that you have never heard of, but they have indeed come. Those with a longer life span can survive a round of bull and bear markets, and they still have a certain mass base. Those that can survive more than two rounds of bull and bear markets are all gold, and gold will always shine. Therefore, the circle is always there, but the coin is not always there. Those that have fallen have also been glorious, and there are also those that are fleeting, just like a meteor across the night sky, which also illuminated the night sky in an instant. Finally, it disappears in the vast night.

The circle is always there, but the coin is not always there. The circle is too destructive, there are always people who are "chopped" and bruised all over, extremely sad, and then leave in tears;

The temptation of the circle is too great, there are always people who are full of confidence and rush in with hope;

There are always batches of people leaving and batches of people pouring into this circle.

Many years later, I found that

the coin is no longer the same coin as before,

the people are no longer the same people as before,

but the circle is still the same circle.

Mingge Earth Circle (JCT225), always there!