🎉🎉Good news! The results of the main track of the ETH Beijing hackathon have been announced! 🎉🎉

In the Public Goods track, POLP (Proof of Location Protocol) won the first place🥇, 2PM Network and ZK-Discord ranked second🥈 and third🥉 respectively.

The competition in the Open Research track was also very fierce. Centralized-PBS successfully won the championship🏆, followed by NFT_search and NomadBnB, which won the second and third place respectively.

The champion of the Layer2 track was won by annihilate fi🎖️, and zkHumanDID and Nexus won the second and third place respectively.

This competition demonstrated the infinite possibilities of blockchain technology, especially the potential of Bitcoin, which makes us more optimistic about its prospects. 🚀🚀

Let us look forward to the next hackathon to see what new and exciting blockchain applications will be born! 🔥🔥