"Stablecoins could account for up to 10% of the 'global money economy' in the next 10 years," Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire predicts. 🚀

- The world's largest payments companies are actively using this technology, expanding usage as the benefits of public chains and stablecoins become clear.

- Stablecoins are becoming an increasingly widely accepted form of digital currency, which could capture a "bigger and bigger" portion of the $100 trillion cryptocurrency market by the end of 2025.

- The current $162 billion stablecoin market is only 0.2% of the $80 trillion currency market.

- For Allaire's 10% prediction to come true by 2034, the stablecoin market needs to grow at at least a compound annual growth rate of 47.7%.

- USDC - the US dollar stablecoin issued by Allaire's Circle - currently has a market capitalization of $32.8 billion, second only to Tether (USDT).

What do you think about the future of stablecoins? Please leave your opinion in the comments section!#cryptocurrency#stablecoin#Circle#USDC#Tether#USDT