As long as you have three of them, you will be doomed.

Nine stupidities in life

Take luxury as happiness,

Take lust as fate,

Take fraud as strategy,

Take greed as action,

Take stinginess as self-discipline,

Take fighting as anger,

Take anger as prestige,

Take gambling as skill,

Take litigation as talent.

How to avoid being a stupid person, then you have to study the cultural essence of China for 5,000 years.

Take a look at the three essences of Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism.

Confucianism talks about people and development, Taoism talks about people and nature through heaven and earth, and Buddhism talks about the relationship between people and the universe.

Open the universe and enlighten the mind, the three schools have the same roots of kindness and goodness since ancient times. Confucianism can take it, Buddhism can let it go, and Taoism can think openly. Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism teach us to use the Buddhist attitude of transcendence and the Taoist eyes of transcendence to do the Confucian career of entering the world. Buddha is the heart, Taoism is the bones, Confucianism is the appearance, and we look at the world with generosity; skills are in the hands, ability is in the body, thinking is in the brain, and we live a calm life!

If you still don't understand, there is a sentence that will make you a descendant of the dragon; that is, have good thoughts and good causes. Do what you do and you will see the results. Know what is wrong and do it.

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