Recently, Jupiter co-founder Meow announced a draft plan called J4J, the core of which is a proposal to reduce the total supply of JUP tokens by 30%. The main purpose of this move is to reduce the flow value (FDV) burden of the token, activate the community's in-depth understanding of the economics of JUP tokens, and address the market's concerns about high emission levels. At the same time, this move is also seen as a strategy to motivate community members to jointly promote metadata development.

According to Meow's proposal, the Jupiter team will voluntarily cut its allocated 30% of tokens, and the release of Jupuary will also be reduced by 30% accordingly. This self-cutting approach shows the team's commitment and confidence in the long-term healthy development of the project.

To further ensure market stability, Meow said that the team will pledge 100% of the tokens in the first year of the cliff period in the next two years. This means that this part of the tokens will not flow into the market within the first year, thus avoiding possible supply shocks. In addition, Meow himself and other members of the team, including Siong, have promised to lock all vested tokens until June 2026. This commitment provides additional protection for token holders and investors and enhances the market's confidence in JUP tokens.

Currently, the J4J plan is still in the draft stage. Meow said that the complete proposal will be put forward before the DAO vote, when community members will have the opportunity to discuss and vote on the plan. This process not only reflects the Jupiter team's attention to community opinions, but also demonstrates its governance transparency and democracy as a decentralized organization (DAO).

The proposal of the J4J plan marks Jupiter's innovation and progress in token economics and community governance. By reducing the total supply, Jupiter aims to create greater value for token holders and investors, while also laying the foundation for the sustainable development of the metadata ecosystem. With the further improvement of the proposal and the community voting, Jupiter's future development is worth looking forward to. $JUP #JUP: