Important news!!!

The last drop, the C wave drop, is here! Are you ready to buy at the bottom! ?

Listen carefully! Now is the last drop, the C wave drop!

Previously, we entered the market at Ondo 1.2 and People 0.1 to make a B wave rebound. Ondo has rebounded to 1.4 and People has reached 0.14, but I said it before, this is not over yet. The normal model will definitely have a final C wave drop. Look, it's here!

It is expected that Ondo will reach around 1.05, and People will reach 0.085 or 0.09. This is most likely the final retracement position!

Now this C wave retracement is quite healthy. After all, Ondo has doubled from 0.7, and People has risen several times. So it is normal for the ABC wave to retrace 30%-40%. We analyzed their Elliott model last month!

Then don't expect it to soar immediately after buying the bottom. It should consolidate for a few weeks to absorb funds. These coins can double again in the next wave of rise. Buy the spot when buying the bottom, and use a maximum of 2x leverage. Buy when no one cares!

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