Be patient and wait. There is no need to operate continuously every day. Many people operate continuously in this market, and their funds eventually return to zero. If you don’t have a strong sense of the market and technology, don’t operate and don’t move to make money. Don’t rush in all at once. The money is yours. The current currency circle has passed the wild growth period. It is about to enter the same period as the mid-term stock. The current pricing power is in the hands of the top exchanges and the capital and political bosses of the United States. Retail investors can still get a share of this bull market, but the next bull market will be a game of institutional capital, and retail investors can only become food on the plate. I hope we can see each other again in the next bull market.

Recently is a good time to buy at the bottom. If you are confused, can’t grasp the opportunity, and don’t know how to operate, you can join us to update strategies and investment research projects in real time every day.