"🚀The Solana network has achieved a record weekly average number of transactions over the past two years!📈 The 7-day average number of non-voice transactions was 38.37 million by June 18. Non-voice transactions include SOL transfers between Solana accounts, smart contract execution, and trading on decentralized exchanges (DEX).💼

📊Solscan data shows that the daily number of non-voice transactions has remained around 40 million since early June.

🔥On June 12, Solana recorded its third-highest daily active account count with more than 1.23 million active wallets.

🎉The total value of locked funds (TVL) in DeFi projects on Solana exceeds $4 billion.

👏All this indicates a revival of activity on Solana in the May-June period after several weeks of consolidation.#Solana#DeFi #CryptoNews"