I find it funny that VC has not studied a trend clearly. The attraction of the cryptocurrency circle to retail investors’ new funds does not come from simply making the project prototype beautiful and making it feel that the return may be thousands of times, which attracts people to come in and play continuously. NoNoNo, it is not like that at all!

Value investment is all in vain, all in meme lives in the palace!

According to the trading insights of Binance, the largest exchange in the cryptocurrency world, the meme sector is still the largest sector in terms of sector data ranking!

I think how can new retail investors in the cryptocurrency circle have that much knowledge or cognition? How can they have the energy to study for research projects and have insight? For them, many high-end projects are just "wow wow wow, awesome" and that's it! They don't care how awesome they are! Often these projects have a limited rise and a limited fall after they go online! In other financial circles, they may be awesome and have great potential, but in the cryptocurrency circle, this kind of high-end coin with a very regular fluctuation and no violent factors is a frozen project when it opens in the cryptocurrency circle! What's more, the market value is at its peak when it goes online? With such a high market value, even dogs can't play! The largest group in the cryptocurrency circle is still losers, who all want to counterattack. When you see this kind of project, who will take over for you? What the hell do you want? #meme板块关注热点

After spending so much money and energy on researching how to package, the final result is still no match for the popularity of the meme! In the end, isn’t it still reduced to a real air coin in this circle?

This circle is not afraid of fud, but is really afraid of being forgotten! Now I dare to ask most retail investors, do you know which coin is packaged by institutional investment VC? Which one has potential? Maybe everyone can't remember which coin at once, but if you ask meme which coins have 100 times the potential, they can definitely read out a lot of them for you!

What retail investors find most attractive is the unlimited freedom brought by the decentralized "free country", the mysterious unknown of violent growth and skyrocketing hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of times! This is more attractive to them! They think it's more fun! Blockchain projects that are not fun are really just air!

I think that instead of expensively packaging projects that peak as soon as they are launched, it is better to focus on those popular decentralized autonomous meme coins! Otherwise, after the entire bull market is over, the actual benefits of these VCs may not be as good as the stable benefits of market makers? Hahaha #美联储何时降息? When interest rates are cut, the highest-flying ones must still be memes, not others!

Anyway, various emotions have shown that the coins packaged by VC venture capital are not favored by retail players in the coin circle! Not to mention those big and medium-sized players! This is a fact!

Think about it, in the context of the current global economic circulation being relatively slow, the behavior of retail investors is not as blind as in the past! Everyone's money is not blown by the wind, and every penny seems to become more carefully calculated! Whether it is a new leeks or an old leeks, the bullets in their pockets are very limited, how can they be so easily fooled? From the beginning to the end of this bull market, I think the projects packaged by VC are really dead on exposure! This is not the fault of the leeks! It should be blamed on this era! It is mainly due to this economic environment! More importantly, VC's own framework engineers and market evaluators, these people who entered the currency circle halfway, do they really understand the currency circle? Hahahaha #新币挖矿 Don't come to value coins, come to something fun!

$BTC is not packaged, but developed from the original copycat, and $ETH is the same! So what reason do we have not to continue to be optimistic about the current meme coin $BOME ?

The above views are only for reference of free value in the circle! They do not constitute investment advice!

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